This impact story was published by Roots and Wings International. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Celestina wants to be a doctor

Dear Victoria, Yasunori, and Raphael,

Thank you for coming together to support a year of after-school elementary tutoring for a child like Celestina through Roots and Wings International! Celestina is 13 years old and lives in the village of Pasác near Sololá, Guatemala.

Celestina received support from Roots and Wings International while in the fifth grade at her local elementary school. She dreams of one day becoming a doctor so she can keep people healthy.

Her father is a day laborer and works on large land holdings in the surrounding area. Celestina’s mother is a housewife and takes care of Celestina and her four younger siblings.

Thank you Victoria, Yasunori, and Raphael for supporting someone like Celestina. She can continue to dream of becoming a doctor because of your generosity!

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