This impact story was published by Roots and Wings International. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Edin wants to go to college

Edi Pascual Guarchaj Chovón
Dear Jeffery,

Edin is an eleven year old boy living in the Solalá region of rural Guatemala. His mother, Antonia, works in the house raising her children and keeping up with the housework. Edin’s father, Manuel, provides for the family with the $100 he earns each month from his business as a traveling furniture salesman.

Edin is in fifth grade at his local primary school, and he dreams of studying in university and earning his degree so that he can do humanitarian social work.

Edin walks 15 minutes to the Roots and Wings education center, where he receives his after school tutoring. He particularly enjoys a story called “El secreto de tortuga,” or “The Secret of the Turtle.”

Thanks for providing Edin with tutoring that will help him accomplish his dreams!

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